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New e-mail addresses for the Police College of Finland

Publication date 3.6.2009 0.00
Type:News item

The new address for official and administrative matters of general nature is polamk(at), while feedback should be sent to palaute.polamk(at)

The new e-mail addresses of the individual units and departments take the form unit.polamk(at) (for example, valinnat.polamk(at) except for the Police Dog Training Centre and the Police Museum, whose addresses take the form poliisikoiralaitos(at) and poliisimuseo(at), respectively.

Messages sent to the old addresses are automatically directed to the new addresses. Individual units and departments had problems with their e-mail accounts during the change-over to the new system. None of the messages sent to the old addresses between mid-May and early June were received and only the address for official mail functioned without problems throughout the period.

The e-mail addresses of individual staff members remain unchanged: firstname.lastname(at)

The changes are part of an overhaul of the e-mail system of the Ministry of the Interior's administrative sector.

The telephone and fax numbers of the training institute were already changed earlier this year as part of the process of providing the administrative sector with a new telephone system.

» Contact information

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