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Julkaisutoiminta sisältö englanti


We publish research data in our own publication series. The themes of the publications revolve around policing in particular, but also the promotion of internal security in a wider sense. In addition to the Police University College publication series, our research is also published in scientific journals and as part of the publication series of various organisations.

Publications of the Police University College publication series.

Publication series

In our own Police University College publication series, we publish studies, reviews, reports, and textbooks related to internal security. The publications are electronic. You can read the publications free of charge in PDF file format in the Theseus open repository for universities of applied sciences.

Our publications are mainly in Finnish, but most of them have an English abstract.

If you would like to submit a manuscript for publication by Polamk, see the instructions for the author of the publication. Polamk publishes books in the fields of policing and the general promotion of internal security.

See our publications at the Theseus service

Instructions for the author of the manuscript

Articles and theses

In addition to Polamk’s own publication series, our research is published in Finnish and international scientific journals in the fields of policing, criminology, and security, as well as part of the publication series of various organisations. The portal contains information on publications from 2016 till present. We have collated publications published between 2008 and 2016 into the PDF file below.

You can read theses made by our students through the common Theseus service of universities of applied sciences. In Theseus, you can find theses made in the degree programs of Bachelor of Police Services and Master of Police Services (in Finnish and in Swedish). portal

Polamk staff publications 2008–2016

Theseus service

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Vertaisarvioitu-tunnus ja verkkosivuosoite

In our Studies series, we publish peer-reviewed studies that meet the standards of scientific research.

We use thea national peer-review label, granted national peer review logo issued by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies.