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Police University College earns quality label in international audit - strong quality culture supports continuous development

Publication date 18.4.2018 14.55
Type:News item

The Police University College has been awarded a quality label, on the basis of an international audit performed by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre, which will remain valid for the next six years. The Police University College’s quality system fulfills the national criteria for the quality management of higher education institutions, and is in line with European principles and recommendations.

The audit team considered the Police University College’s quality system to be comprehensive, functional and effective. The quality system provides relevant information in support of operational development, and the auditors received clear evidence of operational development on the basis of such information. The evaluation viewed stakeholder involvement in quality management, particularly of degree education, as a strength.

The Police University College’s quality culture was found strong. This shows in the desire to develop activities, in high levels of participation, and in openness to change within the organization. The auditing team also praised the Police University College for its innovative efforts to expand stakeholder cooperation, and cited Hervanta's management mornings as a best practice.

“It is gratifying that the audit team found Police University College to be focused on being a learning organization. We view continuous evaluation and strong partnerships as key tools for continuously developing the quality of our operations. Healthy self-criticism is important for all higher education institutions, particularly the Police University College, which is the sole trainer of police in Finland,” says Kimmo Himberg , the Director of the Police University College.

Broad and long-term practical training forms part of the police force’s degree education. The quality management of practical training was viewed as exemplary, because it includes several good practices. Those mentioned included the systematic training of practical training supervisors and a comprehensive feedback system, both of which support the connection between police work and practical training.

Utilization of feedback requires development

The Police University College is encouraged to evaluate its feedback systems and the amount of information they provide. In particular, the more efficient collection of information, its analysis and the use of knowledge in developing business operations were viewed as needing development.

“The audit team made relevant observations about the Police University College's feedback systems. Our versatile feedback system generates large amounts of information. The key issue is how this information can be analyzed in such a way that it leads to effective measures,” says Quality Manager Marika Puputti .

The audit was performed in the fall of 2017. It was based on material provided by the Police University College in advance, and on a visit by the auditing team on 7th to 9th November 2017. The international audit team interviewed a total of almost 120 Police University College staff, students and stakeholder representatives.

» Auditing Report
» See the Police University College's Operational quality manual

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