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Quality system of Police University College (POLAMK) under international evaluation

Publication date 6.11.2017 12.57
Type:News item

The Police University College’s quality system will be evaluated from 7 to 9 November 2017. During that period, an auditing team from the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) will interview around 120 staff members, students and stakeholders of POLAMK.

- The international audit will involve a comprehensive review of POLAMK’s quality management, highlighting its strengths and areas in need of development. This is one of the key features of the quality system, says Kimmo Himberg , Director of the Police University College.

The auditing team will be led by Professor John Taylor of Lancaster University in the United Kingdom. Other team members include Senior Adviser Jorunn Lindholt , Norwegian Police University College, Norway; Director of Development Kristiina Erkkilä , City of Espoo; Executive Director Jaana Ignatius , Federation of Universities of Applied Sciences (vice Chair); and student representative Rok Primožič , University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Hilla Aurén of FINEEC will serve as the Project Manager of the audit.

The Police University College passed its previous quality system audit in 2011. On that occasion, the evaluation gave recommendations on the development of issues such as the use of data produced by the quality system, closer cooperation between teaching and research, and the opening out of quality system data to a wider public.

- The recommendations of the previous audit have had a strong impact on the development of quality management. The most prominent change is the posting of the Operational quality manual on POLAMK’s website in the summer of 2017. This will further increase the transparency of POLAMK's quality management and enable better communication with various target groups, says Quality Manager Marika Puputti .

The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) will decide on the results of the audit in the spring of 2018. It will record the results of the audit in a public report, which will be available on FINEEC's website.


Audit manual for the quality systems of higher education institutions 2015–2018

Pekkarinen, Eero … [et al.] (2012) Poliisiammattikorkeakoulun laadunvarmistusjärjestelmän auditointi. (Audit of the quality assurance system of the Police University College, in Finnish only) Helsinki: The Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (FINHEEC).

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