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Recent image survey: Police University College appreciated by young people

Publication date 4.5.2023 14.44 | Published in English on 5.5.2023 at 16.17
News item

In the 2023 image survey of higher education institutions, the Police University College received the highest overall grade from Finnish young people under 30 years of age.

The Police University College’s image is among the strongest in Finland. In the recent image survey of higher education institutions, the Police University College is ranked by several indicators among the TOP 3 universities of applied sciences, and in the first place for example with respect to the overall image and the quality of education.

The image survey of higher education institutions is a survey conducted annually by the market research company Taloustutkimus. The survey was conducted as an electronic survey, with approximately 5,000 Finns under the age of 65 responding this year.

Police University College Police education Tampere