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The Police University College launched a study on the critical infrastructure as a terrorist target

Publication date 11.9.2018 9.31
Type:News item

The Police University College has launched a research project that examines the critical infrastructure as a possible target of a terrorist attack. The study aims to explore how the authorities and service providers can prepare themselves for an attack, and how the resilience of the overall system comprising various key operators might be improved.

“In terms of the safety, predictability and smooth running of daily life, modern societies are almost entirely dependent on basic infrastructure, such as water, electricity and data communications systems,” says postdoctoral researcher Ossi Heino from the Police University College.

“Critical infrastructure service providers, the police, rescue services and other key operators must be prepared to efficiently minimize damage and recover normal operation after a major incident due to a terrorist attack.”

The project involves collaboration with the Centre of Excellence in Terrorism, Resilience, Intelligence and Organized Crime Research (CENTRIC) at Sheffield Hallam University in the United Kingdom.

The project is funded by the Academy of Finland and will run until August 2021.

» Read more on the project on the Police University College’s website

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