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Three new research projects to start at the Police College of Finland

Publication date 29.1.2009 0.00
Type:News item

The research and development department of the Police College of Finland will launch three new projects during 2009, all of them coming under the research area of Crime and Security.

The project Children in the Criminal Justice System will examine the processing of violent and sexual offences against children from the police to the prosecutor and from the prosecutor to the court. The project will be carried out in the form of a local case study in which the violent and sexual offences against children under the age of 18 reported to the police in 2007 will be used as the research material. The project will be based on documents of the police, prosecutors and the courts and interviews with the authorities. Funding will be provided by the Police Department of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice.

The project Reported Racist Crimes in Finland in 2008 will cover the racist offences that took place in Finland during 2008, the situations in which they occurred, the victims and the perpetrators. The information for the project will be collected from the Police Information System. The study is the continuation of a series of reports launched in 1998. Comparable information is available from 2003. The funding for the study will come from the Police Department of the Ministry of the Interior.

The purpose of the research project Development of Monitoring Hate Crimes in Finland
is to develop the system of compiling statistics on racist crime reported to the police and the monitoring of such offences into a more extensive monitoring of hate crime. The project will involve the development and expansion of a method already created at the Police College and the aim is to create a statistical and research instrument that will make it possible to pick from the crime reporting system offences that are motivated by prejudices against the victims' ethnical background and those in which the prejudices are connected to the victims' religious background, disability or sexual orientation. Funding for the project will come from the Yes 2 - equality is priority programme of the EU.

Projects on the Police College website

In addition to the research projects starting in 2009, there are also continuous research and development projects under way in the Police College's research and development department. Information about the department's projects and other activities can be found at the Police College website under Research .

The Police College of Finland is responsible for research and development on issues of relevance to police work. Its examination of these issues focuses on the social and behavioural science perspective. The research emphasis is on crime, crime prevention, policing and other matters of importance to the police service in general.

News Police University College Press releases imported from old site