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Tornionjokilaakson yhteispartiointiprojekti sisältö englanti

Finnish–Swedish Police Joint Patrolling in Torne River Valley

The project involves training Finnish and Swedish police officers to cooperate in patrolling the Torne River Valley. The aim of the training is to give police officers the competencies needed to form patrols on both sides of the border. A total of 150 police officers are trained during the project. The Police University College is responsible for the content of the training course.

Timescale: August 2014 – September 2016

Partners: National Police Board, Swedish National Police Board, Lapland Police Department, Norrbotten Police Department (Sweden), Swedish National Police Academy

Funding: EU ISEC, with the Police University College’s share being approximately EUR 64 000

Contact persons at the Police University College: Project Manager Kjell Nylund. Email addresses: [email protected].