Tietokannat otsikko ja alkulause englanti
On this page, you will find links to the electronic materials, collections and databases offered by the Police University College Library.
Tietokannat kausijulkaisut väliotsikko englanti
Newspapers and journals
Kirjaston tietokannat lehdet haitari englanti
Aamulehti newspaper and Helsingin Sanomat newspaper, online versions in the ePress service. This service is accessible by a maximum of five simultaneous users; please remember to log out when you have finished reading. Licensed for the use of students and personnel at the Police University College. Remote access is available.
You can read the newspaper without logging in at the University College network. Polamk's students and personnel have the right to read HBL remotely. Request the username and password from the library.
The Publication Forum (JUFO) is a classification system for scientific journals, book series, conferences and book publishers that supports the quality assessment of research output.
Each magazine is for a maximum of one simultaneous user; please remember to log out when you have finished reading. Licensed for the use of students and personnel at the Police University College. Remote access is available.
Finnish scientific periodicals. Some of the periodicals are open-access online, such as Aikuiskasvatus, Helsinki Law Review, Tiede ja Ase, Työelämän Tutkimus and Journal of Finnish Urban Studies. Open access.
Search portal for electronic newspapers and periodicals licensed by the Police University College Library. Remote access is available.
Open the search portal for electronic newspapers and periodicals
Tietokannat suomalaiset tietokannat väliotsikko englanti
Finnish databases
Tietokannat suomalaiset tietokannat haitari englanti
A law library containing more than 1,000 e-books, articles, case commentaries, student theses and other publications. Includes access to the Lakimies, Defensor Legis and Oikeus periodicals. Licensed for the use of students and personnel at the Police University College. Remote access is available.
Edilex guide on the Lapland University Library’s website (in Finnish)
Edilex video guide on Vimeo (in Finnish)
Finnish e-books that may be borrowed. Licensed for the use of students and personnel at the Police University College. Remote access is available.
Ellibs user instructions (in Finnish)
Etsivä Finna is a portal for publications that focus on policing. In Etsivä Finna, you can search for information related to internal security from several Finnish and foreign databases in the field. Please use the Polas thesaurus and YSO for searching terms. Search terms in Finnish give you the best search results.
Internet service on legal information, owned by the Finnish Ministry of Justice. It is a public service, available free of charge.
The collections of Finnish universities, universities of applied sciences and public libraries – all in one search. Finna can also be used to search for articles in Finnish periodicals and higher education institutions’ theses. Open access.
Shared open repository for the publications of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health's administrative branch organisations. Julkari also serves as the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare’s (THL) publications register.
National portal for library services in Finland. Includes contact details for every library in the country. Open access.
The collections of Finnish institutions, including university libraries and Parliament, in one search.
Multilingual dictionary. Licensed for the use of students and personnel at the Police University College. For remote use, choose HAKA and log in with the college network ID.
Wide selection of statistical tables on Finnish society and the population of Finland. You always get the latest figures of Statistics Finland's statistics from StatFin.
Finland’s national legislation, up to date and edited. Includes law drafting documents, preliminary rulings and links to legal literature. Licensed for the use of students and personnel at the Police University College. Remote access is available.
Student theses and publications from universities of applied sciences, full texts online. Open access. Includes theses and publication series from the Police University College.
Student theses and publications of the Police University College on Theseus
Institutional repository for the Government. Ministries’ publication series in full text. Open access.
E-books from AlmaTalent on public law, private law, management and financial administration. The bookshelf is updated intermittently. Licensed for the use of students and personnel at the Police University College. Remote access is available.
The material is mainly in Finnish.
Tietokannat ulkomaiset tietokannat väliotsikko englanti
Foreign databases
Tietokannat ulkomaiset tietokannat haitari englanti
Full texts of articles from nearly 2,000 periodicals and publications in a variety of fields. Licensed for the use of students and personnel at the Police University College. Remote access is available.
Open Ebsco Academic Search Elite
Ebsco guide on the Lapland University Library’s website (in Finnish)
E-books purchased by the Police University College from the Ebsco collection. Licensed for the use of students and personnel at the Police University College. Remote access is available.
E-books borrowing and downloading guide (in Finnish)
Full texts of articles from about 140 scientific periodicals on management, economics, technology and social sciences. Licensed for the use of students and personnel at the Police University College. Remote access is available.
The Cepol LEEd portal is currently not available.
Full texts of articles from scientific periodicals on social sciences. Licensed for the use of students and personnel at the Police University College. Remote access is available.
Open ProQuest Social Science Premium Collection
ProQuest guide on the Lapland University Library’s website (partly in Finnish)
Full texts of articles from about 500 scientific journals in economics and social sciences. Includes more than 20 criminology journals. Licensed for the use of students and personnel at the Police University College. Remote access is available.
Sage guide on the Lapland University Library’s website (in Fnnish)
Tietokannat linkkilista oikea palsta englanti
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