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Kriittinen infrastruktuuri terroristisen hyökkäyksen kohteena sisältö englanti

Critical infrastructure as a target of terrorist attacks: Preparedness and resilience of service providers and authorities

This study examines critical infrastructure as a possible target of a terrorist attack. In modern societies, the safety, predictability and smooth running of daily life is almost entirely dependent on basic infrastructure, such as water, electricity and data communications systems. Critical infrastructure service providers, the police, rescue services and other key operators must be prepared to efficiently minimize damage and recover normal operations after a major incident caused by a terrorist attack. Such deliberately caused incidents are of a special nature, not least because the attackers operate intelligently and pose an active threat to their target.

This study will create a conceptual and theoretical framework for improving our understanding of the complex relationship between terrorism and society’s critical infrastructure. In addition, the study will examine the capabilities required at individual and organizational levels to prepare for terrorist attacks targeting critical infrastructure. The aim of the study is to understand the mechanisms that can be harnessed to improve the resilience of the overall system formed by various key operators.

Timescale: September 2018 – August 2021

Partners: Centre of Excellence in Terrorism, Resilience, Intelligence and Organized Crime Research (CENTRIC) at Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom.

Funding: Academy of Finland, total budget approximately EUR 300,000

Contact persons at the Police University College: Postdoctoral Researcher Ossi Heino and Chief of Research Vesa Muttilainen. Email addresses: [email protected].