TURVA - Turvapaikanhakijoiden perus- ja ihmisoikeuskäsityksen edistäminen sekä väkivaltaa ehkäisevien työmenetelmien kehittäminen vastaanottotyössä sisältö englanti

TURVA project – Promoting understanding of basic human rights of asylum seekers and developing working methods against violence in Reception Centres’ work

The primary objective of the project is to advance the basic human rights perception of asylum seekers as well as their understanding of the Finnish society, as well as developing working methods against violence in Reception Centres and detention units. The goal is to work with these measures in order to reduce victimization, including domestic violence, and advance general perception of safety in the Finnish society.

The project will be divided into 3 phases: 1) collecting research data on crime related to asylum seekers, 2) creating general guidance material for asylum seekers and other immigrants about the basic human rights as well as the central regulations in the Criminal Code, information about the Police of Finland and the criminal sanctions, and 3) improving the anti-violence work and training the staff in reception centers and detention units. The project follows the guidelines of the Asylum, Migration and Immigration Fund (AMIF) as well as the general objectives of Finland's internal security.

In phase 1 we collect the current and significant data on crimes related to asylum seekers based on the police reports from 2016. The data will be utilized in phases 2 and 3 and further. The report on information gathered in phase 1 will be released in 2018.

The project leans heavily on research and best practice. In addition, the project utilizes experts by experience among asylum seekers in order to define the social differences between the country of origin and Finland, as well as the difficulties in integration. With this collaborative effort we aim to create more influential guidance material.

Timescale: February 2017 – May 2019

Partners: Finnish Immigration Service/Oulu Reception Centre coordinates the project, and The National Police Board is a partner in the project (Police University College as implementing unit).

Funding: The total budget of the project is around 506 000 euros, part-financed by the EU Home Affairs, Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). The Finnish Police will utilize a share of 85 059 euros of the aforementioned EU funding.

Contact persons at the Police University College: Project Manager Kari Laitinen and Researcher Suvi-Tuuli Ames (former Mansikkamäki). Email addresses: [email protected]