Erasmus+ sisältö englanti

Erasmus+ program

Do you want to learn about Finland's efficient and most highly trusted police organization and our service-oriented, knowledge-based and technology-driven policing concept? Come study with us!

The Police University College (Polamk) welcomes exchange students from international partner universities with whom we have a bilateral exchange agreement.

Two smiling police students in uniform with police cars behind them.

Students applying to Polamk as exchange students must have completed at least one year of study at their home university before the exchange at Polamk starts.

Exchange studies take place in Tampere at the Polamk campus in the Hervanta suburb.

Exchange studies do not lead to a Polamk degree, but will be counted towards the exchange student's degree in his/her home university.

Brochure Come study with us!

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Police University College main building, in the foreground is a tree covered with frost.

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For further information contact: [email protected]

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Erasmus + Co-founded laatikko englanti

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union logo.

The European Commission accepts no responsibility for the contents of the publication.  The Finnish National Agency for Education is hosting the national agency for the European Union’s education and youth programmes.