- Police University College
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Cooperation with other higher education institutions expands – the Police University College joins CampusOnline and service for cross-institutional studies
The opportunities for police students to complete optional studies will expand when the Police University College joins the University of Applied Sciences’ CampusOnline portal as well as the Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences' cross-institutional study service from the autumn semester of 2021.
– The degree students of the Police University College may in the future choose studies from other institutions of higher education that expand or support their professional skills. The CampusOnline portal and the service for cross-institutional studies of Tampere higher education institutions offer courses suitable for police studies in, for example, psychology, administrative sciences, social and health care and languages, explains education planner Maija Ohvo from the Police University College.
At the same time, certain studies of the Police University College will become available for the students of other Finnish universities of applied sciences and the University of Tampere.
– We are in the process of preparing an online course on police activities for the CampusOnline portal. In addition we offer to the students of Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences those courses that the Erasmus exchange students take at the Police University College. Next autumn the themes of these international courses will include current police research and Finnish policing.
The students of the Police University College can obtain further information from intranet concerning the studies of the CampusOnline portal and the cross-institutional studies of the Tampere higher education institutions. All available courses have been listed in the CampusOnline portal and in the service for cross-institutional studies of the Tampere higher education community.
Tampere University community's cross institutional study service
Network studies section on the website of the Police University College