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Interesting events at the Police Museum on Police Day, 10 August

Publication date 27.6.2024 10.35
Type:News item

The national Police Day will be celebrated on Saturday 10 August 2024. That day, you can get acquainted with police equipment and activities, such as motorcycles, police dogs and mounted police with their horses, at the Police Museum and in its yard. The Police Museum is part of the Police University College.

Welcome to Hervanta in Tampere on Saturday, 10 August from 12 noon to 5 p.m., to talk with police officers and police students and get acquainted with a wide range of equipment. The Police Museum and the parking area in front will be filled with police vehicles and demonstration points. During the day, you can watch a police dog demonstration and gaming police stream, for example. Police horses will be on site as well! In addition, several free guided tours will be provided at the museum of the exhibition “Marias and Mörkös (guided tours in Finnish).

There will be lots of fun activities for the whole family – make sure to save the date in your calendar now. The exact program of the day and information about the demonstration and exhibition points will be published closer to the event at Information about Police Day events elsewhere in Finland can be found online at

The event in Hervanta, Tampere is organized by the Police Museum, Police University College and Central Finland Police Department.

Police University College Police education Tampere