Business-related corruption in the Nordic countries (KORPEN 2)
Corruption in Finland and other Nordic countries is low, according to international studies. However, Nordic Financial Institutions and other corporations can be exploited through, for example, paying bribes and laundering payoff money. The KORPEN 2 project (Korruption i samband med näringsverksamhet i Norden ‒ Business related corruption in Nordic countries) studies the interlinkages of money laundering and corruption in international business and the ability of different agencies to identify and analyse these in their functions. The project continues the work started in a preliminary study implemented between November 2020 and February 2021.
Timescale: April 2021 – January 2022
Partners: Ministry of Justice (coordinator), Ministry of Finance, Ministry of the Interior, Nordic Council of Ministers
Funding: Nordic Council of Ministers/Ministry of Justice. The full budget of EUR 43 000 is reserved for the Police University College.
Contact persons at the Police University College: Project manager Pirjo Jukarainen and researcher Saana Rikkilä. Email addresses: [email protected].