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Julkaisusarjojen käsikirjoitukset englanti

Privacy statement for authors offering manuscripts to the Police University College’s publication series

We process your personal data in compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679).

1. Controller

Police University College
P.O. Box 123 (Vaajakatu 2), FI-33721 Tampere, Finland
[email protected]
+358 295 480 121 (switchboard)

2. Controller’s contact person in data protection matters

Kimmo Lehtimäki, Lawyer

The contact person’s contact details are given in section 1.

3. Data subject

The author(s) of a manuscript offered for publication in the Police University College’s publication series.

4. Purpose and legal basis of personal data processing

The processing of personal data is based on the author’s consent and the need to protect the vital interests of the author (General Data Protection Regulation, Article 6, paragraph 1, subparagraphs a, c and d). We need the personal data to make publishing decisions and for contacts between the Police University College’s Publication Committee and the author. The copyright on the manuscript belongs to the author or authors until the publishing contract for the manuscript has been signed between the Police University College and the author or authors.

5. Data content and data security of the register

At the Police University College, your data is processed by the persons responsible for publishing activities.

The publishing process meeting record includes the names of the author or authors of the offered manuscript, the heading, the statements requested on the manuscript (name of assessor) and the names of the Publication Committee members having participated in the decision on publishing. For the Studies series, the Research Secretary records the names of the assessors in a separate database. For this series, we process the received assessments anonymously in the meeting, and the assessments are, correspondingly, submitted to the authors anonymously. The Police University College ensures the information system’s data security.

6. The period of storage and deletion of data

Meeting records are public. We retain them in accordance with the general time limits for their storage. The storage period is five years at minimum. Data recorded in the records cannot be deleted in arrears. Meeting records are accessible in the Police University College’s electronic document storage system (ACTA). Meeting records can be requested from the Police University College’s records office (contact details in section 1).

7. Transfer of personal data to other systems

For published manuscripts, personal data will be transferred in the form of data on the author or writer to the publishing system used by the Police University College. The contact information (email address) of one author or several authors will be provided to the layout editor of the manuscript, and it will be saved in the electronic system used for contacting, for the purpose of checking the layout. For these, the provider of the service in question is responsible for the processing, storage and further use of personal data. The Police University College has also agreed to disclose, on request, the data relating to the documentation of the publishing process to the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK, on the basis of rules relating to the granting and use of peer review ID.

8. Access to one’s own personal data

You have the right to receive information from the Police University College of whether your personal data is being processed by the Publishing Committee, and to receive an excerpt of the meeting records for the item in question. Please send your signed request to access your personal data in writing to the controller (contact information in section 1), and mention in the request the register concerned.

9. Rectification of one’s own personal data

You have the right to request rectification of your personal data. The rectification request must be submitted in writing to the controller. The rectification request may also be presented in person at the Police University College.

10. Other rights relating to the processing of personal data

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and require restriction of their processing until the question whether the Police University College has the right to process your personal data has been resolved.

11. The right to refer the case to the Data Protection Ombudsman for processing

If you are of the opinion that the processing of your personal data by the Police University College is unlawful, you have the right to refer the case to the Data Protection Ombudsman for processing.

Contact information of the Data Protection Ombudsman:

Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman
P.O. Box 800 (Lintulahdenkuja 4), FI-00531 Helsinki, Finland
+358 295 666 700 (switchboard)
[email protected]