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Toimintakäsikirja Kehitä Korkeakoulujen kriteeristöjä englanti
Quality and self-assessment criteria in support of development
We utilise shared quality and self-assessment criteria in the evaluation and development of our operations. The joint criteria help in identifying our key strengths and development needs as a higher education institution and to target development efforts to the appropriate issues.
The links listed below refer to both general and higher education quality criteria that we utilise, as applicable, in the planning of our operations, as background information to operating instructions, and in the assessment and development of our operations. Some of the criteria are only available in Finnish.
Toimintakäsikirja Kehitä Kriteeristöjä haitari englanti
The CAF and EFQM templates are comprehensive criteria that can be utilised both in self-assessment and to support the development of operations. Previously, the structure of both CAF and EFQM criteria was similar, but from 2020 onwards they differ.
Information about EFQM-model on the website efqm.orgLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab
The list below includes links to higher educations institutions’ common quality and self-assessment criteria, some of which are only available in Finnish:
Open scienceLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab
Quality criteria for digital guidance on eAMK-websiteLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab