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Hakuvaatimukset sisältö englanti
Requirements for the applicant
In order to apply for police studies, you must meet all the requirements specified below by the end of the application period:
Finnish citizenship
Only a Finnish citizen can be appointed as a police officer. You must have a Finnish citizenship by the end of the application period.
Sufficient educational background
You have to have at least one of the following studies completed:
- General upper secondary syllabus
- Matriculation examination
- Vocational upper secondary qualification
- Vocational qualification
- Specialist vocational qualification
- A police degree under previous regulations
- A foreign education giving eligibility to higher education in the country in question
Suitable state of health
You must not have an illness or injury that would prevent you from working as a police officer. The state of health is assessed in a health examination after the conditional student selection.
Your vision acuity must be at least 0.2 for each eye without glasses or contact lenses, and at least 1.0 with glasses or contact lenses. Please note that the eyesight value does not mean the value stated in your eyeglass prescription (+/-).
Your hearing must be normal without hearing aids. You must be able to hear normal speaking voice with both of your ears from four meters away without hearing aids.
Honesty, integrity and trustworthiness
Your way of living must be impeccable and meet police standards.
A basic security clearance by the Finnish Security Intelligence Service is performed for each applicant. Apart from committed crimes, on-going criminal matters, in which the applicant is a suspect or a defendant of a crime, influence the assessment. During the assessment, possible ties that might endanger appropriate and impartial exercise of tasks as a police officer will be considered. We evaluate the suitability of each applicant based on the reply given by the Finnish Security Intelligence Service.
Category B driving licence
You have to have a driving licence for category B vehicles.
For more information on application requirements: [email protected]
Please note that even though the ability to swim is not mentioned in the list of application requirements, you have to have proof of your swimming skills.
Hakuvaatimukset Huomaa lisäksi infolaatikko en
In addition, please note
Swimming skills certificate also required
Even though swimming skills are not mentioned in the application requirement list, in practice you must have a certificate of swimming skills.
Language skills are needed in police education
Foreign language skills are not tested in the entrance examination, and no certificate of language skills is required from applicants. Please note, however, that you will need skills in the other official language of Finland, and English, in police education. The other official language is defined according to the degree language: in Finnish-language education, it is Swedish, and in Swedish-language education, it is Finnish.
Hakuvaatimukset visuaalinen nosto englanti
The applicant must be a Finnish citizen and master either Finnish or Swedish.
Poliisiksi AMK linkkilista yhteinen oikea palsta englanti
See also
Information on the application periods, for example, can be found from our Finnish and Swedish websites.