Taking surveillance apart? Accountability and Legitimacy of Internet Surveillance and Expanded Investigatory Powers
In this multidisciplinary study, legal provisions defining the powers of intelligence and law enforcement authorities to monitor information networks and communications data are assessed and compared between Finland, Norway and the UK. Supervision of surveillance and different stakeholders’ arguments justifying online monitoring are included in the comparison. In addition, citizens’ online behaviour and perceptions of surveillance and privacy are analysed.
Through this investigation, recommendations for improving accountability and legitimacy of online surveillance are made. The project is very topical in Finland since intelligence legislation is currently under construction.
Timescale: May 2017 – July 2020
Partners: University of Dundee (coordinator), Norwegian Police University College and Uppsala University
Funding: NordForsk (Nordic Societal Security Programme). The total product budget is around 1 035 000 euros. The funding received by the Police University College totals around 265,000 euros.
Contact persons at the Police University College: Project Manager Jarmo Houtsonen and Researcher Anna Leppänen. Email addresses: [email protected] (please note: anna-riitta.leppanen).