Poliisin yhteiskunnallisen viestinnän kansainväliset mallit ja niiden hyödyntäminen Suomessa (VIESTI) sisältö EN

International models for public communication of the police and their utilisation in Finland (VIESTI)

Police communication is developing from one-way dissemination of information towards phenomenon-based and interactive communication. The police must be able to anticipate which individual incidents and long-term development processes are likely to raise lively public debate. 

The VIESTI project that continues “The Public Communication of the Finnish Police” research project will perform a comparative analysis of European practices and operational models. On its basis, a pilot model for supporting civic dialogue and phenomenon-based communication in the Finnish police will be formulated. The pilot model produced in the project can be utilised and developed further in police units. 

Timescale: May 2022 – October 2022

Funding: National Police Board, Ministry of the Interior 

Contact persons at Police University College: Project Manager Pirjo Jukarainen, researcher Iina Sahramäki. Email in the format [email protected].