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124 results
  • A successful year in education and research

    Categories: Publication date:21.3.2025

    The Police University College’s Annual Report 2024 has been completed. The publication contains information about the record number of students, the development of online teaching and diverse...

    Keywords: Police education Research and development operations Tampere Front page top news Police University College
  • A peek behind the percentage figures: New research on the relationship between the police and citizens in Finland

    Categories: Publication date:19.11.2024

    Research by the Police University College dives behind the figures of the police barometer, implemented every two years. The analyses focus on three themes: shortage of police resources, crimes not...

    Keywords: Research and development operations Police operations and development Tampere Police University College
  • The number of suspected hate crimes peaked last year

    Categories: Publication date:10.10.2024

    According to an annual report by the Police University College, the number of suspected hate crimes continued to increase in 2023.

    Keywords: Research and development operations Offences and criminal investigation Tampere Police University College
  • Interesting events at the Police Museum on Police Day, 10 August

    Categories: Publication date:27.6.2024

    The national Police Day will be celebrated on Saturday 10 August 2024. That day, you can get acquainted with police equipment and activities, such as motorcycles, police dogs and mounted police...

    Keywords: Police education Tampere Police University College
  • Polamk granted a quality label following FINEEC audit – praise for work-oriented approach and quality system

    Categories: Publication date:1.3.2024

    The Police University College (Polamk) passes the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) audit and is granted a quality label for the following six years.

    Keywords: Research and development operations Police education Tampere Police University College
  • Work Help Finland mobile application helps to combat human trafficking

    Categories: Publication date:13.11.2023

    To prevent labor exploitation and human trafficking, foreign workers need to have access to information in their native language about working in Finland.

    Keywords: Research and development operations Police operations and development Tampere Police University College
  • Police University College quality system to be audited

    Categories: Publication date:8.11.2023

    The audit team appointed by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) will visit the Police University College (Polamk) from 8 to 9 November 2023 to conduct a comprehensive audit of Polamk’s...

    Keywords: Police education Tampere Police University College
  • Growth continues in the number of suspected hate crimes

    Categories: Publication date:26.10.2023

    The number of suspected hate crimes reported to the police increased by one fifth last year, indicates the Police University College’s annual report.

    Keywords: Research and development operations Tampere Police University College
  • New education for the police on animal welfare offenses – Police University College wins Animal Welfare award of the year

    Categories: Publication date:4.10.2023

    Towards the end of the year, Police University College will organize, for the first time, a national continuing education course on investigation of animal welfare offenses. More than 30 police...

    Keywords: Police education Tampere Police University College
  • New online service: the police dog gallery presents Finland’s police dogs

    Categories: Publication date:27.9.2023

    Welcome to meet Finland’s police dogs! The police dog gallery on the Police University College website shows, for example, what a dog called Pörrö looks like, how many Border Collies the Finnish...

    Keywords: Police education Police University College
  • The latest RDI newsletter published

    Categories: Publication date:20.9.2023

    The research, innovation and development activities (RDI) newsletter 2/2023 of the Police University College has been published. 

    Keywords: Research and development operations Tampere Police University College
  • Game console to become a tool for the police? New research project aims to reach children and young people through gaming

    Categories: Publication date:22.8.2023

    The Official gaming companions project will test and study how the police could intervene with harmful activities and crime in gaming communities and gaming platforms.

    Keywords: Research and development operations Police operations and development Preventive police work Tampere Police University College
  • The latest RDI newsletter published

    Categories: Publication date:17.5.2023

    The research, innovation and development activities (RDI) newsletter 1/2023 of the Police University College has been published.

    Keywords: Research and development operations Tampere Front page top news Police University College
  • Studies indicate that the most part of organized crime active in Finland remains undetected

    Categories: Publication date:10.5.2023

    The Police University College has completed two studies on the current status of organized crime and its prevention, combating and future development.

    Keywords: Research and development operations Tampere Police University College
  • Recent image survey: Police University College appreciated by young people

    Categories: Publication date:4.5.2023

    In the 2023 image survey of higher education institutions, the Police University College received the highest overall grade from Finnish young people under 30 years of age.

    Keywords: Police education Tampere Police University College
  • Open science and research operating model introduced to the Police University College

    Categories: Publication date:21.3.2023

    The Police University College (Polamk) has published an operating model for open science and research to outline the principles for responsible openness in the work community and to provide...

    Keywords: Research and development operations Tampere Police University College
  • International models and ideas for public communication of the police

    Categories: Publication date:9.3.2023

    The police look for ways to reach citizens through communication, not only in Finland but in other countries as well. Structural and cultural factors of the police administration have a crucial...

    Keywords: Research and development operations Tampere Police University College
  • New police research webinar focuses on topical themes in the field

    Categories: Publication date:7.2.2023

    From February 2023, the Police University College offers a series of international webinars, where researchers and other experts present recent research in the field of policing.

    Keywords: Research and development operations Tampere Police University College
  • The latest RDI newsletter published

    Categories: Publication date:19.12.2022

    The research, innovation and development activities (RDI) newsletter 3/2022 of the Police University College has been published. 

    Keywords: Research and development operations Tampere Police University College
  • Police University College’s audit team appointed

    Categories: Publication date:16.11.2022

    The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre will audit the Police University College’s quality system in November 2023.

    Keywords: Police education Tampere Police University College