Toimintakäsikirja opetuksen suunnittelu sisältö englanti

Planning of teaching and learning

The planning of teaching and learning are guided in particular by the Police University College strategy, pedagogical policies and RDI policies, as well as by the Police University College’s joint objectives. The identification of education needs, such as entirely new degree or continuing education programmes, is done as part of the strategic planning process described above. We anticipate competence needs in the processes for strategic planning, curriculum work and planning of selection criteria. 

Our quality system is based on the PDCA model (Plan−Do−Check−Act) of continuous development. The text describes the content of the quality system.

Our curricula are competence-based. When planning our education, we strive for constructive alignment and implement this on the basis of the principles of blended teaching. Constructive alignment means that the learning outcomes, contents, teaching methods and assessment are in line with each other and they support one another. Blended teaching comprises contact studies, online studies and authentic exercises at the educational institution and practical training usually at a police unit.

Toimintakäsikirja opetuksen suunnittelu sisältö haitari englanti

Toimintakäsikirja opetuksen suunnittelu infolaatikko oikea palsta englanti

See also

Pedagogic policies

Curriculum guidelines: manual for competence-based curriculum work

More details on the teaching and learning process

Bachelor of Police Services

Master of Police Services

Bachelor of Rescue Services

Continuing education for police

Other courses

More information for Polamk's personnel and students in Finnish

Curriculum work (Police intranet / Työtilat / Polamk OPSit ja totsut)

Continuing education (Police intranet / Henkilöstöasiat / Osaaminen ja koulutus / Täydennyskoulutus) 

International education (Police intranet / Henkilöstöasiat / Osaaminen ja koulutus / Kansainväliset koulutukset)